DJI Ronin-S

For my birthday last month, my husband was super sweet and surprised me with a new DJI Ronin-S gimbal. It arrived last night so all the test videos are beginning today! To say I am excited is an understatement.

I’ve spent this morning trying to get it as balanced as possible, and so far it’s not too shabby. It still drifts a little bit so I need to fine tune it, but it is already an amazing improvement upon my usual shaky handheld clips. I may or may not currently have a stress headache from it, but that is also because I can be a bit of a perfectionist ;D

I need to see if I can invert the tilt controls as gaming has set me up for failure, yes I am one of those that needs inverted controls, and thus I keep trying to use it the same way I play games.

Anyway, this blog post is just really to show one of my first little test clips. It’s honestly nothing exciting unless you love my dopey dogs as much as I do.

WARNING - Dog balls are in full display at the end of the clip…